Archive for January 12, 2011


And so here we are, 11/1/11. The first time I was amazed by this was in 1999, of course the date was 9/9/99 otherwise why would I be amazed with the date..?? Anyway, nothing special has come on these dates, and why should it… It’s just another day, another period of time.. Well I suppose this date should remind me of the floods in Brisbane at the moment. My family had moved to Brisbane a few years ago and now there is flooding rains which although my family say’s that they are alright, I have some fear that they might get caught up in these floods which are suppose to be worse than the 1974 floods which were pretty disastrous!

色々所に行って、例えば:霧島 ー さくらさくらの泥温泉、神宮、高千穂牧場。




Anyway, I’m back in Osaka again.. back to work. Trying to fix something up for my next classes.. Even though travelling overseas (actually just travelling in general) can be tiring, it’s so worth it when you look back and can see how enjoyable it was!