Archive for December, 2010


Well, Merry Christmas everyone!

I can’t believe how fast this second half of the year has gone!! Since arriving to Japan, life has been going on hyper-speed with the occasional bump in the road, but hey, here I am, Christmas morning in Japan. My 2nd Christmas away from home and family.
It’s currently 8:45am and I’m sitting in Kansai International Airport, waiting for my flight to go to Taiwan to spend a few days catching up with friends.

Actually, it’s a really lucky time for me because the weather is going to turn crap here in Osaka, high speed winds that remind me when Cyclone Chaba was passing by, and it’s going to rain almost constantly for the next 5 days or so.. where as Taiwan is going to be sunny, warm, maybe it will be my reminder of Australia.
Well, anyway, because of the winds last night, my doors kept banging which didn’t help me get to sleep. I eventually got to sleep at about 11:30pm or so, woke up this morning just before my alarm, so maybe 3:45 am. I just had a coffee and a bite to eat at Starbucks. I might catch a few Zzzz on the plane over there, as I want to get the most out of my Taiwan trip.

I’m not sure if I’ll be internet-less over there or not, but I probably won’t have time to update anything anyway because like I just said, I want to get the most out of this trip as it’s only a few days, so it’s going to be go, go, go!

Signing off for now~


Posted: December 21, 2010 in Home
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Tonight I called my aunty back in Sydney which was great, and I got to talk to my little cousin too. I can’t believe how much he is growing up! It’s only been 5 months since I saw him, but just in that time has been a dramatic change! Soon he’ll be a young man! Time is flying by so quickly!

Another year comes as another year passes.

I also talked with my mum. It was good to talk to her again. It hasn’t been that long I don’t think, but it is definitely nice to hear a mothers voice. みんな忙しいそうって思います。もうすぐクリスマスだって、2回目オーストラリアにはいません。お母さんと話してて、おばあさんはちょっと元気じゃないみたいです。明日の昼からお母さんは僕に送ってあげるけど、いい事か悪い事か、今分かりません。おばあさんは癌のせいって思ってます。今年、お父さんのお母さんは亡くなりましたと、来年にはお母さんのおかあさんも? ちょっと嫌だ。

정말 슬프다. 지금, 생각하는것이 너무 많다. 좀 호주에 돌아가고싶다. 내 가족들이 보고싶다고, 애기하고싶다고, 웃고싶다고….
요즘, 날마다 울고싶습니다. 왜 그래서..?? 크리스마스 때문에?! 아무도 모르겠다.

I don’t even know if my Korean makes any sense. I don’t even know if my Japanese makes any sense.
I think I’m just tired.
If I keep thinking of happy thoughts, I hope that I can have happy dreams. I’ve never been overseas by myself for this long. Actually, I’ve never been overseas for this long.


今どこ:家            Now: My house
何するん:何も                     What are you doing: Nothing
何時:土曜日の朝                  What’s the time: Saturday Morning

So, 月曜日から今までオーストラリアから来た友達は僕の家で泊まってるんです。まぁ、はじめてで、日本語あまり出来なくって、僕はちょっと心配してたんけど、大丈夫みたいです
So, from monday until the present, my friend from Australia came over and is staying at my place. Because it’s her first time and she can’t speak much Japanese, I was a bit worried about her, but she seems to be ok.

昨日の夜、僕はちょっとがっかりしました。Jacquiと僕はスパワールドに行く予定したけど、Jacquiは 「京都にきて」メッセージ送ってもらったから、サパワールドに行きませんでした。でも、京都で鉄板焼き食べたからちょっと嬉しくなりました。

Today I’m going to Umeda to help one of my friends with her papers so that she can re-new her passport, then I have to prepare some stuff for tonight, also one of my Japanese friends that I met in Australia is back in Japan, but only for a short time and I want to catch up with him tonight, because I don’t really have any other time, and he doesn’t either and also tonight other JETs are thinking of getting together to go out to Karaoke or Clubbing at Explosion.
I feel so tired from waking up early every morning and staying up late, and I’ve just realised that this is my last weekend before I go to Taiwan. Then I will be busy as well as I’m going to Taiwan, Tokyo and Kagoshima.
Tomorrow I’m going to USJ for the 3rd time in 4.5 months. Yep, I knew it was definitely worth it to buy that annual pass the first time I went this year with 정연누나 and サヤカちゃん.

I guess it’s time to get out of bed and get going… I think I have a busy day ahead of me..


Today I went to Kobe because at the moment there is a ルミナリエ, like illumination type thing.. Look at the pictures, it’s easier to understand what I mean~

Tomorrow is the actual last day that these lights will be up, but tomorrow is a Monday, so it’s much better for me to go today, and I’m glad I did, because I went back to this awesome place called Espirit de Fouquet. I had been there before with 정연누나 and Ali before and it was good then, so I decided to go back by myself and I had the Berry Parfait. Oh my gosh!! It was totally a mouth f*#k~!!! Yum to the max!!

Slightly changing subjects, I was talking with some other JETs over the last few days.. especially because last Thursday and Friday was the Osaka JET mid-year seminar, so all of us came together for various work-shops and to voice some of our opinions and to gain knowledge to live easier lives and maybe learn some skills to better ourselves in the classroom and at school. Anyway, a common topic that came up was the amount of weird people in Japan… Majority of these “people” are in fact foreigners. As one of my Japanese friends said “There are usually 3 types of people that come to Japan. 1 is those that come for the cultural things. 2 is those that come for the food. And 3, those that come for Japanese girls“.

Tomorrow is another day at work, and then my friend Jacqui from Australia is coming over to visit. I still need to do the final touches of cleaning, but it’s mainly all in my bedroom, so I’ll have to do it after work tomorrow. Looking forward to having another friend around.. but it does mean that I won’t be able to walk around in my underwear again. I guess I can live with that still…